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Rosewood Hong Kong

Celebrate the strengths of every individual to foster a more inclusive, positive society. 

Employment rates are at an all-time low for SEN & ASD people around the world. They can thrive in the workforce given patience and appropriate training, but it is easier said than done.


The group has long faced ostracisation, but it is time for their voices to be heard. Rosewood Hong Kong and LoveXpress have jointly established the BluUp Upskilling programme, a meaningful initiative designed to empower Special Educational Needs (SEN) youths with essential skills to pursue career opportunities within the hospitality industry.

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Planting the Seeds


Guided by its "business with purpose" vision, Rosewood Hong Kong's Italian restaurant BluHouse offers SEN youths from LoveXpress' Career Program a comprehensive five-month training program. Under the guidance of their mentors and one-to-one buddies, BluUp aims to equip the youths with the necessary skills for their personal and professional development.


As the internship was happening in the front end, our work on the back end has not been idle either. Point of AC had the privilege to accompany the first cohort of trainees of the BluUp Programme, providing necessary project management, marketing, and PR assistance along the way.

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Adding the Fertiliser of Support


A delicate plant requires the essential nutrients for it to grow strong and healthy. Within this project, our team enhanced the branding of LoveXpress, creating a dedicated page to showcase the BluUp program and the remarkable individuals it serves.


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Watering the Plant of Opportunity


Identifying the right PR support was our next step in amplifying BluUp’s reach and impact. We've invested significant time and energy into supporting our PR media outreach initiatives. Our team worked closely with journalists to provide all the necessary information, data, and logistical support to enable impactful coverage of BluUp and the individuals it serves.


Through this collaborative effort, we were able to share the personal stories of our BluUp participants, highlight the program's measurable impact, and showcase the life-changing opportunities it offers.


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Reaping the Harvest


Our months of hard work came to fruition on the 27th of May, 2024, as we celebrated the first graduation ceremony of the BluUp program. Point of AC was there to witness the public’s acknowledgement of the six individuals, from their very first day to the moment they proudly accepted their certificates.

While we were celebrating on the sidelines, our team took on the role of event management, ensuring that the event was smooth sailing. From organising the MC speeches to rehearsals to monitoring the event, we made sure that the occasion was perfect for the loved ones of the interns to celebrate and experience their growth first-hand truly.

Seeing these young adults blossom with newfound confidence, skills, and independence has been incredibly moving for our team. As we move forward, we only hope to remain committed to realising Rosewood Hong Kong and LoveXpress’s message – to cultivate a more inclusive society, one seed at a time.

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Project Management, Event Management, Website Development

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In the Media

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